Evaluate the effectiveness of a scientific poster

2-hour science writing workshop

A scientific poster is an excellent way to network and promote your research. It informs others of advances in your work and presents your main results. However, a poster is neither a scientific article, nor a full presentation. What are the qualities of a scientific poster? How much text should it include? Which illustrations should you choose? This workshop presents 9 criteria to evaluate the attractiveness of a poster.


Understanding the purpose of a scientific poster
Learning how to assess the attractiveness of a scientific poster


Understanding the purpose of a scientific poster

What are the objectives of a scientific poster?
What are the ways to improve the effectiveness of a poster?

Learning how to assess the attractiveness of a scientific poster

What makes a scientific poster attractive?
On which criteria should you rely to evaluate a scientific poster?

  • Duration

    2 hr

  • Languages available

    English & French

  • People concerned

    R&D Teams: scientists, engineers, technicians

  • Prerequisites


  • Number of participants

    Up to 15 people

  • Educational ressources

    Theoretical background, exercises, training course manual in PDF format

  • Evaluation procedures

    Questionnaire at the end of training

  • Available formats


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