Popularise knowledge, in oral presentations and written documents

Training in popularising science

You are an expert in your field and you wish to convey your knowledge to a lay audience.
How can complex notions be made simple? During this training session, you will apply the tools of science popularisation to your subject. And you will find a wealth of new ideas to use everyday, whether you are giving a speech or writing articles for a general audience.



Learn the elements of a good story
Find sources of inspiration
Give impact to your story


Learn the rules of science popularisation

Get to know Agent Majeur’s 6Cs of science popularisation

Structure your speech

Understand the expectations of your audience
Build a dynamic plan

Spark the interest of your audience and sustain their attention

Rely on hooks
Engage and interact with your public

Target your message

Speaking to an audience of colleagues
Addressing superiors: an executive committee, managers…
Communicating with clients


Improve your readability

Find a good title and subtitles
Shorten and simplify your sentences


Use attractive presentation media

Use illustrations, graphs, figures, photos, videos, samples
Clarify your PowerPoint presentations

Demonstrate physical commitment

Learn to control your breathing to reduce your stress
Use non-verbal communication: eye contact, silences, hand gestures
Speak with conviction

  • Duration

    2 days in person (14h) or 4 half days online

  • Languages available

    English & French

  • People concerned

    Experts, researchers, engineers

  • Prerequisites


  • Number of participants

    Up to 6 people

  • Educational ressources

    Theoretical and methodological background, practice on material brought by participants, group exchanges, exercises

  • Evaluation procedures

    Questionnaire at the beginning and at the end of training (self-evaluation)

  • Available formats


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