Communicate on social media
Training in digital communication
You want to spread your research results to a wider audience. To do this, you can turn to social networks such as LinkedIn and Instagram. This training course is carried out in two steps. Before the session, we will show you how to create accounts on the social media you want to communicate on. Then, on the day of your course, you will discover the fundamentals of using social media, learn how to use them effectively and familiarise yourself with software that will help you have a bigger impact.
Use social media
Make your style more dynamic
Familiarise yourself with associated software
Use social media
Define communication objectives
Learn how to optimise your social media use
Make your style more dynamic
Simplify and shorten your sentences
Remove dead weight and jargon
Introduce examples and images
Familiarise yourself with associated software
Learn to use a graphic tool
Use software to plan your publications
Our social media training course can be adapted to suit the needs of your researchers and the networks they use: LinkedIn, X, TikTok, Instagram and/or Facebook. During this module scientists learn how to present their research projects on social media and start building their digital community. Check out what our recent trainees had to in the video below.
1 day
Languages available
English & French
People concerned
Scientists (experts, researchers, engineers or technicians) or communicators
Number of participants
Up to 8 people
Educational ressources
Theoretical and methodological background, practice on material brought by participants, group exchanges, exercises
Evaluation procedures
Questionnaire at the beginning and at the end of training (self-evaluation)
Available formats
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