Write an opinion article

Training to write scientific opinion pieces

Are you an expert who wants to be recognised by colleagues, journalists, and the general public as a thought leader in your field? Do you want to learn how to use your ideas and expertise to influence debate and shape public opinion?
Learn to write scientific opinion pieces to raise your profile in academic circles and beyond.
During this written communication training course, you will learn to identify what makes a great opinion piece, how to write impactful columns, and how to reach your audience.


Understand why writing scientific opinions matters
Know where and how to publish your article
Streamline your writing for social media
Write an opinion piece of your own


Understand the value of opinion articles
Grasp the impact of your opinion piece
Define your communication objective(s)
Identify your audience(s)

Draft a scientific opinion piece
Craft your argument
Learn the rules of impactful writing

Know how to publish your article
Identify platforms and media best tailored to carrying your message
Establish a comprehensive strategy to best promote your work

Streamline your writing for social media
Shorten and optimise your messaging
Write posts that will get noticed

  • Duration

    2 days

  • Languages available

    French & English

  • People concerned

    Technical and scientific experts, engineers, scientists, professors, researchers

  • Prerequisites


  • Number of participants

    Up to 6 people

  • Educational ressources

    Group learning, course handbook

  • Evaluation procedures

    Self-assessment by questionnaire at the start and end of the course

  • Available formats


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