Rare diseases affect more than 300 million people in the world. However, these diseases are understudied, poorly supported, and most do not have a therapeutic solution. To tackle this major public health issue, Fondation IPSEN promotes awareness campaigns on rare diseases and their early diagnosis.
Created under the aegis of Fondation de France, Fondation Ipsen has more than 40 years of experience in the dissemination of health-related scientific knowledge. Today, this non-profit foundation wishes to draw attention to rare diseases and to be recognized as a key player in this field.
Fondation Ipsen conducts communication campaigns targeting the general public and scientific community with three objectives: (1) raise awareness on rare diseases in order to facilitate diagnosis; (2) support rare disease communities, particularly patients and their families; (3) draw the attention of public authorities to the issue of rare diseases.
Our mission
Fondation Ipsen asked us to develop a communication strategy in order to increase the understanding of its position on rare diseases and boost their visibility.
Our recommendation was as follows: increase clarity and personification in communications. Rare diseases have many faces. Showing patients, families, doctors and researchers will help to humanize communication materials and emphasize the real-world applications of the implemented actions.
In order to move in this direction, two priorities emerged: develop the presence of Fondation Ipsen on social networks and redesign the website, as it did not sufficiently reflect this new position.
The benefits
To communicate on social media, the text is important: it must deliver a clear message, and remain concise and informative. Visuals are just as important. Indeed, illustrated posts are more efficient because they draw attention. Especially if they include videos, which boost the number of views.
With all of this in mind, we wrote and illustrated the posts in French or English for Facebook, Instagram and LinkedIn, several times per week. To that end, we set up a bimonthly editorial calendar, and adapted it depending on the news of the foundation: release of a new book, a webinar or participation in scientific conferences.
After 18 months of community management, Fondation Ipsen asked us to implement our second recommendation: design and develop a new website. User-friendly, easier to update and more importantly, representative of its missions, the website is now online! From now on, we will oversee technical monitoring and improve search engine optimization. These regular actions will prevent issues and correct any errors. Because in order to work smoothly, a website requires constant maintenance.