Digital communication Scientists and social networks: follow our guide! Scientists: why use social media? What is the best way to use it?
Science communication Scientific writing: the SWORD method An efficient 3-step writing method to write convincing documents.
Event Organising a scientific event Here's a behind-the-scenes glimpse into the guidelines for successfully running an event.
Popularising science Science popularisation on TikTok : our tips to get started Discover how to create and share popular science videos on TikTok, the fastest growing social media.
Science communication Narrative CVs: how to write them Discover our insights on narrative CVs and writing tips to submit effective funding applications.
Science communication Graphical abstracts: follow our guide! Graphical abstracts are a new type of scientific illustration. Follow our tips to create yours!
Digital communication Build your reputation with a newsletter Newsletters are effective tools to increase your visibility. Follow our advice to create your newsletter.
Science communication Scientific posters: get it right What makes a scientific poster effective? What can be said of virtual poster session?