A new edition of SELL YOUR RESEARCH
Following the success of the first edition, sold at more than 1600 copies, Agent Majeur is proud to announce the release of the second edition of Sell Your Research : Public Speaking for Scientists. This book, co-written by Alexia Youknovsky and James Bowers, gives scientists the keys to prepare successful oral presentations. It is based on the SELL method, a structured and proven approach to develop one’s impact and ease in front of an audience.
In this new version, updated with new exercises and advice, the authors review the different steps to build and deliver a powerful presentation, all while adapting the method to current practices of scientific communication. Whether you are preparing a pitch or a full presentation, this edition features practical tools to improve your skills.
Join the community of more than 3400 scientists trained by Agent Majeur in public speaking. Embrace the SELL method and give a new impetus to your oral presentations!

Alexia Youknovsky in the magazine « Stratégies »
In a recent interview with Stratégies, a must-read media for communication professionals, Alexia Youknovsky shared her views on communication for the French Alternative Energies and Atomic Energy Commission (CEA). She discussed how the CEA’s image changed over the years, highlighting its distinctive position focused on the transition from research to industry.
“The first rule of ecology is that everything is connected to everything else”. Agent Majeur would like to apply the teachings of Barry Commoner, the famous American biologist, by adopting a collective approach with other actors in our ecosystem: employees, clients and partners. Furthermore, joining this community of certified companies gives us access to resources to keep ourselves updated on regulation and best practices.

Agent Majeur is committed to the environment
After several weeks of intense work, Agent Majeur has been awarded the EnVol certification. This effort underscores our commitment to become a more sustainable company. The EnVol Label relies on the 1st level of the NF X30-205 standard, dedicated to environmental management.
How does it work exactly? This continuous improvement process lasts 5 years. Every year, a new action plan is written and adapted to the company’s real situation. The environmental impacts are precisely identified each time and monitored thanks to many environmental performance indicators.
“The first rule of ecology is that everything is connected to everything else”. Agent Majeur would like to apply the teachings of Barry Commoner, the famous American biologist, by adopting a collective approach with other actors in our ecosystem: employees, clients and partners. Furthermore, joining this community of certified companies gives us access to resources to keep ourselves updated on regulation and best practices.

Agent Majeur celebrates its 15th anniversary
“One cannot avoid growing older, but one can keep from getting old.” This quote by famous painter Henri Matisse perfectly reflects our state of mind. With 15 years of experience, we still feel young. Indeed, the communication sector and the world of research keep changing. To stay up to date, we are always on the lookout for the latest news and trends in order to offer our clients the best services. We would never think of resting on our laurels!
When we reflect on these past 15 years, we are quite proud of our journey. In all, we trained 3800 people, we produced 180 videos and we satisfied more than 200 clients who still trust us today. We wrote a guide on oral communication, « SELL YOUR RESEARCH: Public Speaking for Scientists » published by Springer. We also overcame challenging periods, not to mention the bloody COVID-19 pandemic, by adapting. Finally, we continue to develop our international missions, in Europe of course, but also in North America.
This would not have been possible without the skills of our amazing team. It includes a wide range of experts, and is our greatest asset. Consultants, writers, graphic designers, trainers, video directors, stage designers… we work together hand in hand on your projects and we draw on the skills of each specialist to achieve the best possible result. We are therefore delighted to celebrate our 15th anniversary and this new year is full of projects. With always the same objective: to promote research and those who move science forward.

New missions in America
This fall, Agent Majeur looks to America. We have the great pleasure of carrying out two missions for North-American clients, in the United-States and in Canada. Our agency is used to working in English and in several European countries but we are nonetheless quite proud to expand our activities across the Atlantic.
From July to October, we will train researchers from the Quebec Pain Research Network (QPRN) in podcasting. Writing, recording, editing: through 5 sessions via videoconference, participants will discover all the aspects of podcasting with a trainer, who is a podcaster herself. It is precisely because we offer a complete training in podcasting, from the design to the promotion of audio content, that the QPRN decided to entrust us with this mission.
As for our second mission, it will take place in Chicago in October. One of our consultants will give a 2-day training course in public speaking. The participants will be researchers supported by the CureSearch foundation who work on cancer treatments for children. Why did they choose us? Our book on public speaking, SELL YOUR RESEARCH made its mark. It is thanks to this book that CureSearch discovered our agency and decided to entrust us with this mission. The foundation was drawn to the idea that their participants will acquire a method to prepare their oral presentations or speeches and each researcher will get a copy of the book.
Since its beginnings, Agent Majeur has carried out missions in English and in many European countries: Germany, Austria, Belgium, Ireland, etc. With these two new missions, we now expand our activities to America. You would like to propose a mission abroad to our agency? Contact us.

A quality certification for Agent Majeur
After two years, the same gestation period as elephants, we are very pleased to announce a happy event! Nope, not the birth of a baby in our office, but the fact that we have finally obtained the QUALIOPI quality certification. This certification, for professional training in France, guarantees the high quality of training courses. It is based on 7 criteria and 32 indicators – which explains this lengthy preparation! These requirements especially ensure that training courses are adapted to the specific objectives of the client, that innovating training methods are implemented, that instructors continuously develop their skills, and that courses provide access to persons with disabilities.
At Agent Majeur, we want the best for our clients. Which is why we have chosen to further guarantee the quality of our training courses with this certification. After a successful audit in our premises in September, this new certification is yet another reason to place your trust in us. We make every effort to develop the skills of the men and women that we train.

An interview in Times Higher Education
To support diversity, inclusiveness and cooperation in research, the British funding agency for research and innovation (UK Research and Innovation, UKRI) recently amended the CV format for researchers.
To learn more about this narrative CV and the best way to complete the application, a journalist of Times Higher Education interviewed Alexia Youknovsky, the CEO of Agent Majeur. Indeed, this new CV format is a demanding exercise. This document is composed of 7 parts: 3 of them are focused on the researcher, his/her career and motivations, and the other 4 modules target the researcher’s contributions to research and society. The questions are similar to those asked during a job interview. Furthermore, the answers of the researchers should not exceed a limited number of words. The time for endless lists of job descriptions and publications is over. This dynamic and concise CV format supports a wider range of profiles and skills.
Our CEO believes that this new narrative CV is the opportunity for researchers to explain “who they are” in addition to “what they did”. To stand out, Alexia’s advice is to use storytelling or to focus on 1 or 2 examples to highlight the greatest achievements, for example. Finally, she recommends the use of vocabulary to describe emotions in order to connect with readers. Simply put, researchers should share their passion!