Speech: choose the right microphone

The microphone is the indisputable ally of your oral communications. It conveys your voice from one end of the room to another and allows your audience, even the people furthest from you, not to miss a single word of your speech. But be careful when making your microphone choice, don’t make it lightly, it could have an impact on your talk. Agent Majeur provides a few tips to make the best use of microphones.

Gooseneck microphone

It is generally fixed to a table or a reading stand available on stage. Like the neck of a goose, the microphone stand is flexible. Do not hesitate to twist its cervical vertebrae to orientate it better towards your mouth: it will not hold it against you. Just make sure you talk straight in its eyes. It will pout if you get too far or if you turn your head, for example towards your slideshow.

Hand microphone

It is the most classic one, though not the easiest one to use. If this microphone makes it possible for you to move on stage or to pass it to an audience member, it is also particularly sensitive to every other sound other than your voice. Therefore there is a special way to hold it in case you do not place it on a stand! Hold it by the middle of the handle, do not ever shake it or drop it violently to avoid ungraceful sounds. Whatever your movements, keep it against your chin about 2 centimeters from your mouth, and make sure the lead is long enough if it is linked to an audio system.


Whether it is a helmet or a headset, you wear it… on your head! Usually without a cable, it allows you to move and keep your hands free. But do not forget that it is inseparable from you! Therefore it will share with your audience all the sounds that come out of your mouth, including your cough, throat clearing or sneeze. If you are contagious, avoid using this type of microphone.

Clip-on microphone

Also called the « Lavalier microphone », it is the most discreet one. By means of a clip or a magnet, it is more often fixed on your jacket or your shirt near the collar or somewhere where there is little friction. It gives you a total freedom of movement and has the advantage of capturing sounds well. But do not neglect it: if your audience is on your right, put it on your right also!

That being said, you will not always be able to choose the microphone that will accompany your speech. In all cases, think of checking the batteries and switch off all electronic devices in the vicinity. They may create interferences that will disturb your presentation. Before getting on stage, speak to the technicians, especially if your presentation is filmed. They will tell you about the gestures to avoid and the zone in which you can move without exiting the frame or the sound recording.

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